New Year

I’ve been work­ing on a new short story for the flash fic­tion web­site Litra­naut. Actu­ally I star­ted it in Decem­ber. It took me ages to come up with a story idea, but as soon as did, the story flowed very quickly. So much so that actu­ally it will prob­ably become a much big­ger piece in the future. I’m think­ing of writ­ing it as a Script for a drama.

How­ever, since that ini­tially flurry of writ­ing, it has taken me ages to get it all to come togeth­er. Part of the prob­lem is because the size of the concept has increased so much that I’ve really struggled to keep the size of the story down. It was only meant to be about one thou­sand words, but it’s cur­rently about three thou­sand. How­ever, it has been split pretty much in two and will be released as a two parter…

Any­way, here’s the open­ing. And hope­fully I’ll have it fin­ished and with Litra­naut soon.

“…New Year”, she’d said, “Happy New Year.” Then she kissed him. That was the last thing Tim remembered. One minute they’d been singing Auld Lang Syne, and shak­ing hands. There had been the sound of Big Ben chim­ing the new year in over the radio. There had been party-pop­pers and blowers, and the sounds of fire­works out­side. There had been cheers, and then that moment. That moment that seemed to slow down. That moment where she had lent in toward him, her lips pre­cari­ously close to his. That moment when he could feel her breath lap over his lips. That moment when all he could think about was about clos­ing that circle. Mov­ing his lips toward hers. Clos­ing that draughty mouth with his.
Then nothing.

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